Let acupuncture relieve your Menstrual Problems

Acupuncture can relieve menstrual problems such as:
Irregularities in Menstruation
Irregularities in duration of Bleeding
Irregularities in Menstruation
- Early Periods – Consistently early (9 days)
- Late Periods – Consistently late
- Irregular Periods – Sometimes early, Sometimes late
- Bleeding between Periods
- Heavy Periods – Heavy bleeding, normal duration
- Scanty Periods
- Flooding and Trickling
- Amenorrhea
Irregularities in duration of Bleeding
- Long Periods
- Short (Scanty) Periods
- PMS – Emotional/physiological symptoms before period
- Dysmenorrhea – Painful Periods
- Breast tenderness
- Headache
- Edema
- Diarrhea
- Fever
- Acne
- Mouth Ulcers
Location: 514 S. 4th Street Philadelphia, PA 19147