Acupuncture can relieve Pain...
The number one reason people see an acupuncturist is for pain management. Acupuncture works very well with treating all types of pain. It is a safe and natural way to eliminate pain or keep a pain condition under control without the use of narcotics or invasive surgery.
- Arthritis
- Post-operative pain
- Muscle pain (ie, fibromyalgia)
- Pain from stress/anxiety/depression
- Injury
- Weakness/Illness
- Joint pain
- Gout pain
- Unknown cause
The number of treatments necessary to treat pain conditions will vary based on the cause of the condition, whether it is chronic or acute, the overall health of the patient, and how closely the patient follows lifestyle recommendations.
Location of pain...
- Hip - Arthritis, Bursitis, Sciatica, Tendinitis, Muscle/Tendon Strain
- Back - Sciatica, Herniated disc, Spinal Stenosis, Radiculopathy, Muscle Strain
- Neck - Disc Issues, Stress-muscle tension, Arthritis, Whiplash, Strain
- Shoulder - Tendinitis Bursitis, Arthritis, Muscle Strain, Weakness, Frozen Shoulder, "50 year old woman Shoulder pain" (limited ROM, pain)
- Elbow - Golfer's elbow, Tennis elbow, Tendinitis, Bursitis, Arthritis
- Hand - Thumb pain, Tendinitis, Arthritis, Carpal Tunnel Pain, RA, Gout Pain
- Wrist - Carpal Tunnel Pain, Tendenitis, RA, Sprain, Dequarvian's Syndrome
- Knee - Runner's knee, Arthritis, Tendinitis, Post-surgical pain, Muscle strain
- Ankle - Arthritis, Tendenitis, Sprain, Gout Pain, Swelling of, Achilles Tendinitis
- Foot - Plantar Fasciitis, Bunion, Arch Pain, Neuroma, Neuropathy