Acupuncture for Low Back Pain and muscle spasms!
Low back pain is probably the most common ailment I see in my practice. The most common reasons people have low back pain are:
Herniated Discs and Degenerative Discs:
Disc issues are definitely one of the most common reasons people experience low back pain. When a disc budges either because of degeneration (normal wear and tear) or an injury or accident, the material from inside the disc can press on the nerves which send messages to the brain causing pain in the low back area, and/or along the sciatic nerve. Additionally, when the muscles around the area become stiff or in spasm, they press down tighter on the vertebra, causing more pressure on the already sensitive discs and nerves. Acupuncture works to relax the muscle, bring blood flow to the area, and triggers the brain to release pain relieving chemicals called endorphins.
Trigger Points (tight knotted muscle fibers) in the Quadratus Lumborum muscle:
Trigger points in the QL muscle can cause stiffness in the low back area and can cause referral pain into the buttock. Trigger points in this muscle can be very painful when it is coupled with a herniated disc. When the muscle is knotted, it shortens and can push and pull on its attachments which can result in pain.
Spinal Stenosis:
Spinal Stenosis is the narrowing of the spine that are typically caused by bone spurs from osteoarthritis. The narrowing of the canal can put pressure on the nerves which can cause pain. Acupuncture works to help bring blood flow to the area, induces production of cortisol (an inflammation reducing hormone) and triggers the brain to release pain relieving chemicals called endorphins
Normal wear and tear of your muscles and ligaments can cause them to become unstable and unable to hold your spine in its proper place. This disease often comes with age, and can cause low back pain when the vertebra moves more than it should, pressing on the nerves, and causing pain. Acupuncture can help relieve this pain by bringing blood flow to the area, inducing production of cortisol, an anti-inflammatory hormone, and by releasing pain relieving chemicals such as endorphins.
Sciatica Pain
Sciatica is one of the most common aliments I see in my office. Sciatica pain usually starts in the buttock area and can move down the entire leg, in the back or the side of the leg. This pain can range from excruciating to just mild or achy. Sciatica pain can come from a herniated disc, or from a tight muscle in the buttock (either the piriformis or glutes). If you do have a herniated disc, acupuncture can help relieve the muscle spasms around the area of the disc, which can relieve the pressure on the Sciatic Nerve.
If you do not have a herniated disc, your leg pain is probably caused by a trigger point in the glute minimus or piriformis muscle. When one or both of these muscles are tight they can press on the sciatic nerve causing pain to move down your leg. These muscles can easily be released with Acupuncture and Trigger point dry needling techniques.
If you do not have a herniated disc, your leg pain is probably caused by a trigger point in the glute minimus or piriformis muscle. When one or both of these muscles are tight they can press on the sciatic nerve causing pain to move down your leg. These muscles can easily be released with Acupuncture and Trigger point dry needling techniques.
Vertebral Fractures:
Vertebral fractures are often caused by osteoporosis. When specific acupuncture points are stimulated, calcitonin, the hormone responsible for recalcifcation of bone, is produced and there is a reduction in bone pain.
It is important to treat your low back pain with acupuncture when it first begins. The longer you wait, the more treatments you will need. Typically, you will need a month of treatment (at once or twice a week) for as many years as you have been experiencing pain. If you have any questions or concerns about how acupuncture can treat your low back pain, please call 484-938-8778 or email [email protected].
It is important to treat your low back pain with acupuncture when it first begins. The longer you wait, the more treatments you will need. Typically, you will need a month of treatment (at once or twice a week) for as many years as you have been experiencing pain. If you have any questions or concerns about how acupuncture can treat your low back pain, please call 484-938-8778 or email [email protected].